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Innovation = Impact

Tell us about your ideas so we can protect them

Welcome to the Microsoft Inventor Portal

under construction under construction We’re always looking for ways to make the idea submission process easier, but especially during this rollout, if you have a suggestion or find a bug, please send an email to invportalfeedback@microsoft.com. Thanks!

Microsoft is now using Anaqua as its preferred patent services provider so please take a few moments to learn how to navigate this site. At the top of this page you will see the following headings.

Submit Idea: Choose this when you’re ready to start drafting an idea submission. Provide a title for the idea, add your co-inventors, answer a few questions about the idea, and submit the idea when it is ready for review by the patent team.

My Ideas: This link will load a table showing the ideas you have begun to draft. This page also links to a table of “Submitted” ideas that shows you the status of ideas you have submitted.

Patent Tools & Links: Go here to find more information about the patent process, find your patent contacts, learn about patent rewards, provide feedback, and contact technical support.

My Awards: This is a section under development that will provide you with information about ideas listing you as an inventor that have been approved and filed as patent applications and indicate the associated awards and dates.